

Each quarter tutoring starts on the second week of the quarter and ends on the last instruction day of the quarter. No tutoring on school holidays.

Chinese Tutoring

We are now accepting tutor applications for Spring Quarter 2025!


Chinese tutoring is a 1-unit course (CHN 197T).  You are also welcome to volunteer in tutoring.  You will need to work 3 hours each week to tutor our students.  (Click here to apply for either the 1-unit course or to volunteer).  We accept the applications on a rolling basis.

Both native speakers and proficient non-native speakers of Chinese are welcome to apply. For non-native speakers, you need to complete the third year Chinese and have a reference letter from your last Chinese instructor. Please send the reference letter to Yin Laoshi at
  • All applicants must complete the application form and submit it by 11:30am on Thursday, March 13, 2025
  • All new applicants who HAVE NOT been a Chinese tutor at UCD should attend two sessions in Olson 18A on Thursday, March 13, 2025: ① interview check in at 2:10pm for new applicants only ② training at 2:40pm for all tutors
  • All returning tutors only need to attend the training session at 2:40pm on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 in Olson 18A
  • You will receive the CRN to register after the training session
  • Monday, April 7, 2025 is the first day of the tutoring session for Spring Quarter 2025
  • Tutoring room: 124 Sproul Hall

Questions? Please contact Yin Laoshi at 

Japanese Tutoring

Spring 2025: 

Becoming a Japanese Tutor:
Students who enroll in JPN 197T as a tutor earn one unit and devote 3 hours a week assisting instructors in foundation-level Japanese language courses in class with a possibility to work in the tutoring office.

Both native speakers and proficient non-native speakers of Japanese are eligible to apply. In the case of non-native speaker, only students who completed JPN 113 with grades A- or better or have equivalent proficiency are eligible to apply.

The decision on which level each tutor will be assigned is dependent upon the applicant’s language skills.

For tutoring 1st and 2nd level courses, an applicant needs to have the minimum of 4th year level language fluency verified by an applicant’s grade in JPN 113 (A- or better) or have equivalent proficiency and a recommendation from the applicant’s language instructor if available.

For tutoring 3rd and 4th year level, an applicant needs to have a native or near native level language fluency in the four skills of Japanese. English fluency is strongly recommended.

In addition to the language proficiency, we are looking for responsible and dependable students who can be positive influences in the classroom. Having a positive attitude and respect for students, instructors and fellow tutors is also expected of a tutor.

Applicants with basic knowledge in Japanese culture and society will also be preferred.




(1)UCDの学生の方で、単位(1単位)としてチューター応募を考えている方は、TUTOR APPLICATION FOR CREDIT の用紙に記入をし、日本語プログラムコーディネーターの小山信子(あてに電子メールで提出してください。

(2)学生以外の方で(学生の方で、単位取得を考えていない方も含む)チューター応募を考えている方は、TUTOR APPLICATION FOR VOLUNTEER の用紙に記入をし、(1)と同様に日本語プログラムコーディネーターの小山信子(あてに電子メールで提出してください。









2025年春学期の応募締め切り日は、4月4日午後5時です。オンラインによるチューターオリエンテーション (4月5日土曜日午前10時半から12時までズームにて)への参加を義務とするため、参加が不可能な応募者はお断りをする可能性があります。尚、オリエンテーションに関する詳細はコーディネーターから電子メールで送られます。連絡を逃さないようにしてください。